Dallas, PA

The Course


Enjoy An Aerial View Of Each Hole With Its Original Name Given In 1922

Hole #1 - The Look Out

430 yards - Par 4
This starting hole at Irem Golf Club has one of the most impressive views in Northeastern Pennsylvania. You’ll find a straight fairway with the green protected by bunkers on each side. The green has a back-to-front slope that will make you think about positioning your second shot. Hint: The front of the green is the ideal spot for landing that approach shot.



Hole #2 - The Overbrook

291 yards - Par 4
This is a short par 4. A carry of 180 yards is required to cross the creek that flows across the fairway. The approach shot is to a large, elevated green that is protected by a group of bunkers to the front. This green is sloped back-to-front so landing below the hole would be the perfect placement for your approach shot.



Hole #3 - The Lands End

406 yards - Par 4
This number 1 handicap hole demands a long, straight tee shot as the landing area is narrow and flanked by water hazards. The second shot to an elevated green requires one extra club. This green is also a back-to-front slope.



Hole #4 - The Waterloo

512 yards - Par 5
With two good shots, long hitters can reach this par 5, resulting in a great opportunity for an eagle. The approach shot has to be nearly perfect as the green is protected on each side by bunkers.



Hole #5 - The Spring

368 yards - Par 4
This dogleg right requires a solid tee shot to the upper half of the fairway giving you a manageable second shot into the green. This green is normally “soft” so that should be considered when hitting your approach.



Hole #6 - The Coat More

337 yards - Par 4
Your drive on this dogleg left is your most important shot, as woods line both sides of a narrow fairway. A good drive with a slight draw will leave you with a short iron to a two-tiered, elevated green. A good rule of thumb would be a little extra club on your approach.



Hole #7- The Dipper

229 yards - Par 3
Another hole where your tee shot is the key. The right-to-left slope of the green makes it quite challenging to land safely and hold the green. If you miss right, start thinking bogey. Missing left will leave you with a relatively easy chip. Bunkers on both sides will welcome any wayward tee shot.



Hole #8 - The Bunker Hill

380 yards - Par 4
This hole can give you a good chance at birdie but it can also pose some challenges. A good tee shot on the left-to-right sloping fairway leaves a short iron to the green. Consider taking one extra club on your second shot. Trouble lurks with an errant second shot, as the green is surrounded by woods on the right, and the road that traverses the left side of the green is out-of-bounds.



Hole #9 - The Half Way

398 yards - Par 4
Number 9 will definitely test your golf skills. Your tee shot will find a fairway that slopes dramatically right-to-left so be careful with your shot placement. Your second shot will find an uneven lie to an elevated green that slopes back right-to-front-left. Consider taking one extra club on your approach.



Hole #10 - The Shrine

381 yards - Par 4
Distance is the key to a good score on this hole. Uphill and straight, a long second shot to an elevated green will be quite daunting. Your second shot requires the consideration of taking two extra clubs to deal with the uphill terrain. To make this hole even more challenging, there are two bunkers that guard the front of the green. Landing above the hole here could be risky, as the green slopes dramatically from back-to-front.



Hole #11 - The Orchard

371 yards - Par 4
This relatively benign par 4 can provide a bit of a respite from the previous hole. However, do not take this hole for granted! The fairway slopes right-to-left, so any drive should find the right side of the fairway to ensure a good lie. A decent drive and a short iron to a right-to-left sloping green should yield a very good score.



Hole #12 - The Woodchuck

355 yards - Par 4
Once again, a long, straight tee shot is required. Large trees border both sides of the fairway. The approach to the back-to-front sloped green may require one extra club. Consider the front of the green as the preferred target area, as landing farther back will give you a slick, downhill putt.



Hole #13 - The Long

554 yards - Par 5
A long, well-placed tee shot and an aggressive approach shot can give you an opportunity to get home in two. However you decide to attack the green, whether it’s an aggressive second shot or a safer wedge as your third, trouble waits if you overshoot your target.



Hole #14 - The Dew Drop

398 yards - Par 4
Take some time for a photo opportunity before teeing it up! An elevated tee box provides a truly panoramic view of the Wyoming Valley. Once pictures are taken, you’ll find a fairly manageable downhill par 4. A straight tee shot will almost certainly provide a short shot and that can give you a great opportunity to card a birdie. However, be careful of the placement of your approach shot as the green is deceptively fast front to back.  



Hole #15 - The Elbow

345 yards - Par 4
This hole is often mentioned as the finest hole on the course. The positioning of the tee markers really controls the manner in which this hole is played. From the elevated tees, a drive over a substantial tree line will give you a simple sand wedge into the green. The bottom tees require a medium iron to give you a clear approach. You’ll find a flat green that is protected by bunkers on either side.



Hole #16 - The Heller

431 yards - Par 4
This hole is the number-one handicap of the backside and boasts a straight fairway capped off by a two-tiered green guarded by bunkers on either side. Pin placement on the upper tier can make for an unpleasant putting experience, as not enough club will most likely return the ball to its rightful owner!



Hole #17 - The Baby

172 yards - Par 3
A green that has a one-club length difference makes club selection for this hole the most important decision you will make. Almost equally important is your landing spot. The green slopes dramatically right-to-left, so plan accordingly!



Hole #18 - The Home

320 yards - Par 4
A nice closing hole that is neither too long nor too difficult. But again, don’t take this hole for granted! A well-placed tee shot on a left-to-right sloped fairway will leave a short iron to a flat green where, if played correctly, you can generate a birdie. This green is located next to a practice area, so a well-placed approach shot may very well be met with a round of applause from players on the practice area!