Dallas, PA

Irem Women's Golf Association

Congratulations to the 2023 Irem Ladies Club Champion Merri Walter.  Pictured with the six time champion is Irem representative Stan Staskiel.

Irem Women's Golf Association (IWGA) Mission Statement

The Irem Women’s Golf Association is dedicated to organizing and promoting the game of golf, while supporting the values inherent in the game and honoring the legacy of golfing traditions. 
 The IWGA mission is to create a friendly and enjoyable environment while learning the rules, etiquette and skills of the game. Our objective is to provide educational, competitive and social opportunities to support and promote women’s amateur golf. 

About The IWGA

Our purpose is to promote women’s amateur golf at Irem Golf Club. Our objectives are to promote good fellowship and sportsmanship among the members. We encourage active participation of members in playing golf and taking part in tournaments and activities.

Our membership is open to all amateur women over 18 years of age.

The Irem Women's Golf Association is comprised of approximately 25 women golfers of varied skill levels.  Our league plays every Thursday morning.  In addition, several of our members play during the week at various times of the day.

We are part of the NEPWGA (Northeast Pennsylvania Women's Golf Association)and the WCPGA (Women's Central Pennsylvania Golf Association).

There are currently 14 member clubs enrolled in the NEPWGA.  Being a member in the association affords our members an opportunity to play on any of the member courses at least twice a year (on open days) at a minimum fee.  The NEPWGA also holds several interleague tournaments that afford us the opportunity in which to participate.  

The WCPGA has over 30 member clubs.  There is an additional individual fee to become a member of the Association.  There are open days and scheduled tournaments in which to participate.

If you would like additional information or would like an application to join, please contact us. We would love to hear from you!

Merri Walter
IWGA Chairwoman
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Marie Eyet
IWGA Co-Chairwoman 
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